The buildings in which we will live in 2050 will be to a large extent the current building stock.
Climate Walk therefore addresses the climate change adaptation of the existing city of Vienna in the coming years. In a fictitious future map, the Grätzlkarte1 Hernals - Elterleinplatz the residents of the neighborhood in the year 2050 are shown the (new) climatic diversity of their surroundings and how this has been achieved by strategic interventions in the building stock. Residents are invited to participate in this process, to send in their personal climate venues or to make suggestions for new ones.
By describing the microclimates in the course of the day, an individual (climate) adaptation of the personal daily routine is made possible. The interventions presented in the Grätzlkarte combine re-use, further use and conversion of existing buildings with climate-strategic building densification; and thus link climate protection with climate change adaptation. In this way, paths out of the potential conflict between urban densification and heat prevention are shown.
Enjoy exploring the folded map of the future Elterleinplatz in Vienna!
1 Grätzel: eastern Austrian colloquial for part of a residential district, a street in a residential area or block of houses; see Duden online: URL (retrieval date: 07.10.2022).